Publications show up with the name of the SA-GER CDR staff member, even if these are joint publications. Co-authors show up at the end of each title.
Name | Publication | Year |
Karriem, A. | ’Rethinking required - How can urban agriculture in Cape Town still become sustainable in the future food system? Policy Recommendations and Results of the UFISAMO project’ (with Paganini, R., Z. Khan, T. Kanosvamhira, A. Mfaku, D. Tevera, and the Research Farmer Group). SLE Briefing Paper 02/2019. | 2019 |
Karriem, A. | Social capital and climate change adaptation among smallholder farmers in the Central Region of Ghana (with S. Osei). In Kuwornu, J. (ed). Climate Change and Sub-Saharan Africa: The Vulnerability and Adaptation of Food Supply Chain Actors. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press. | 2019 |
Knoblich, R. | Book Review: 'Knowledge and Global Power: Making New Sciences in the South' by Fran Collyer, Raewyn Connell, João Maia and Robert Morrell, Johannesburg, South Africa: Wits University Press 2019. First published by Monash University Pubishing, Clayton, Australia 2018, 217 pp. European Journal of Risk Regulation. | 2019 |
Löwenstein, W. | Commodity Revenues, Agricultural Sector and the Magnitude of Deindustrialization: A Novel Multisector Perspective, (with Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada and Yadulla Hasanli), in: Economies 2019, 7(4), 113. | 2019 |
Löwenstein, W. | Production linkages and dynamic fiscal employment effects of the extractive industries: input-output and nonlinear ARDL analyses of Azerbaijani economy, (with Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada and Yadulla Hasanli), in: Mineral Economics | 2019 |
Niklas, B. | Margins of Fair Trade Wines Along the Supply Chain. Evidence from South African Wine on the U.S. Market (with Robin Back, Xinyang Liu, Karl Storchman & Nick Vink). AAWE Working Paper No. 244 (available online). Also in: Journal of Wine Economics, 14(3), 274-297. | 2019 |
Niklas, B. | Income Inequality and Status Symbols: The Case of Fine Wine Imports (with Elkhan R. Sadik-Zada). Journal of Wine Economics 14(4), 365-373. (also available online). | 2019 |
Sadik-Zada, E. R. | Commodity Revenues, Agricultural Sector and the Magnitude of Deindustrialization: A Novel Multisector Perspective (with Wilhelm Loewenstein and Yadulla Hasanli). Economies 7(4) 113: 1-14. | 2019 |
Sadik-Zada, E. R. | Income Inequality and Status Symbols: The Case of Fine Wine Imports (with Britta Niklas). Journal of Wine Economics 14(4): 365-372. | 2019 |
Sadik-Zada, E. R. | Distributional Bargaining and the Speed of the Structural Change in the Labour-Surplus Petroleum Exporting Countries, The European Journal of Development Research 31(1): 51-98. | 2019 |
Sadik-Zada, E. R. | Production Linkages and Dynamic Fiscal Employment Effects of the Extractive Industries: Input-Output and Nonlinear ARDL Analyses of Azerbaijan (with Wilhelm Loewenstein and Yadulla Hasanli). Mineral Economics 3, 8-13. | 2019 |
Sadik-Zada, E. R. | Determinants of Public Debt and the Role of Natural Resources: A Cross-Country Analysis (with Andrea Gatto). Foundazione Eni Enrico Mattei Working Paper No. 4.2019. | 2019 |
Sadik-Zada, E. R. | Hotelling Rule Revisited: Inferior Institutional Quality as a Plea for Conservation? (with Andrea Gatto). In: State, Law, Society: Current Problems and Development Trends. Materials of V Roundtable. Poltava: Poltava Oil and Gas College. | 2019 |
Busse, M. | Bilateral Investment Treaties as Deterrents of Host-country Discretion: The Impact of Investor-state Disputes on Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries, Review of World Economics, Vol. 154 (2018), No. 1, pp 119–155 (with Emma Aisbett and Peter Nunnenkamp) | 2018 |
Conradie, I. | Social Policy in South Africa: the challenges of Poverty, Inequality and Exclusion. In: Bonvin, J; Otto, H; Wohlfahrt, A; and Ziegler, H (Eds.) Ambivalences of the Rising Welfare Service State - Hopes and Hazards of Modern Welfare Architecture. Special Edition, Social Work and Society, International Online Journal, Vol. 16 (2). | 2018 |
Conradie, I. | ‘We create our own small world’: daily realities of mothers of disabled children in a South African urban settlement (with Van der Mark, Elise J, Christine W M Dedding, and Jacqueline E W Broerse). Disability and Society, published online on 23.11.18. | 2018 |
Conradie, I. | Informal workers and human development in South Africa, in Otto, H; Walker, M and Ziegler. H (Eds.): Capability-promoting policies: enhancing individual and social development. Bristol: Policy Press. | 2018 |
Dinbabo, M.F. | Beyond entrepreneurship education: business incubation and entrepreneurial capabilities (with K. Ikebuaku). Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 10(1): Pp 154-157. | 2018 |
Ile, I.U. | Executive- legislative relationships and the promotion of accountability and transparency in South Africa (with M. Makiva). In Fagnadebo, Omololu, Ruffin & Fayth (Eds). Perspectives on the legislature and prospects of accountability in Nigeria and South Africa. New York : Springer. pp 85-104. | 2018 |
Ile, I.U. | The paradox of youth empowerment; Exploring Local Enterprise and Skills Development Programme (LESDEP) in Ghana (with S.E. Boadu). Cogent Social Science Journal (Accepted 10th September 2018). | 2018 |