Publications show up with the name of the SA-GER CDR staff member, even if these are joint publications. Co-authors show up at the end of each title.
Name | Publication | Year |
Tapela, B. | Strategic Partnerships in Smallholder Irrigation Schemes: Case of RESIS-Recharge Programme in Limpopo Province (forthcoming) | 2012 |
Tapela, B. | Unlocking South Africa's Inland Fisheries Potential: Need for a Developmental Approach and Revision of Property and Access Rights (with M. Hara et al), presented at the International Institute for Fisheries Economics and Trade, Dar es Salaam, 17 to 20 July 2012. | 2012 |
Tapela, B. | Water Energy and Food Mega-Nexus: Perspective from Smallholder Agriculture and Livelihoods in Informal Economies. South African Water Energy and Food (SAWEF) Forum on Managing the Mega-Nexus, Johannesburg, 18-19 April 2012 | 2012 |
Williams, J.J. | Does Membership in Mututal Health Insurance Guarantee Quality Health Care? Some Evidence from Ghana (with K. A. Alatinga), in: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 103 - 118, June 2012 | 2012 |
Williams, J.J. | Poverty: A Human Rights Violation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Univ. of Pennsylvania Press. (forthcoming) | 2012 |
Bender, K. | Health Financing Mechanisms, Access to Health and Economic Growth, IEE Working Paper 192 | 2011 |
Busse, M. | Foreign Direct Investment and Labor Rights: A Panel Analysis of Bilateral FDI Flows (with P. Nunnenkamp and M. Spatareanu), in: Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 149-152 | 2011 |
Busse, M. | More Stringent BITs, Less Ambiguous Effects on FDI? Not a Bit! (with A. Berger, P. Nunnenkamp and M. Roy), in: Economic Letters, Vol. 112, No. 3, pp. 270-272. | 2011 |
Busse, M. | The Characteristics and Determinants of FDI in Ghana (with F. Barthel and R. Osei), in: European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 23 (2011), No. 3, pp. 389-408 | 2011 |
Busse, M. | The Resource Curse Revisited: Governance and Natural Resources (with S. Gröning), forthcoming in: Public Choice | 2011 |
Conradie, I. | From poverty to power? Women's Participation in Intermediary Organisations in Site C, Khayelitsha (with L. Thompson), in: Africanus, Vol 4 (1). | 2011 |
Conradie, I. | Women Leaders and Intermediary Organisations in Khayelitsha, South Africa (with L. Thompson), in: Jha, Vikas, Vaishnava, Bhavita & Bandyopadhyay, Kasutuv Kanti (Editors): Citizen Leadership. New Delhi: Academic Foundation. | 2011 |
Hall, R. | Land Grabbing in Africa and the New Politics of Food, in: Perspectives: Political Analysis & Commentary from Africa. Cape Town, Abuja, Nairobi and Addis Ababa: Heinrich Boll Stiftung: 4-9 | 2011 |
Ile, I.U. | Deepening Democracy through Effective Public Spaces in Africa – Reality or Fallacy. African Journal of Public Affairs (June). Volume 4 number 1. | 2011 |
Ile, I.U. | Infrastructure policy reforms and rural poverty reduction in Ghana. The case of Keta Sea Defence Project (with E. Garr). African Journal of Governance and Development Vol. 1, No 1. | 2011 |
Knoblich, R. | Der Nationalstaat im Globalisierungsprozess. In: Tilman Mayer/Robert Meyer/Lazaros Miliopoulos/Peter Ohly/Erich Weede: Globalisierung im Fokus von Politik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, pp. 29-50. (with Tilman Mayer) | 2011 |
Knoblich, R. | Sind die BRIC-Staaten aufsteigende Wissensmächte? Herausforderungen für die deutsche Wissenspolitik, CGS-Discussion Paper 3, Bonn. (with Katharina Below, Regina Bösl, Jan-Paul Franken, Sarah Herweg, Martin Krupp and Maximilian Mayer) | 2011 |
Löwenstein, W. | Evaluation of Selected DEG Energy Sector Projects in Asia. Research Report for Deutsche Entwicklungs- und Investitionsgesellschaft mbH (DEGInvest). 2011, 58 S. | 2011 |
May, J. | Chapter 6: Poverty traps and structural poverty in South Africa: reassessing the evidence from KwaZulu-Natal, 1993-2004 (with I. Woolard and B. Baulch), in Baulch, B., (ed) Poverty Dynamics and Persistence, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 187-218. | 2011 |
May, J. | Poverty, Shocks and School Disruption Episodes among Adolescents in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (with N. Hunter), Development Southern Africa, 28(1): 1-17. | 2011 |