Publications of SA-GER Members

Publications of SA-GER CDR Members

Publications show up with the name of the SA-GER CDR staff member, even if these are joint publications. Co-authors show up at the end of each title.

Name Publication Year
Isaacs, M.Informal Fish Chain, Household Consumption and Food Security. Regional Workshop on Pro-Poor Value Chain Governance in Southern Africa: Research Findings and Policy Implications for the Public and Private Sectors, Johannesburg, 5-6 June 2012.2012
Isaacs, M.Informal Fish Chain, Household Consumption and Food Security: Visible Possibilities. The Economics of Sustainable Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Trade at the International Institute for Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET)'s 16th Biennial Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 16 - 20 July 20122012
Isaacs, M.New Small-Scale Fisheries Policy and ITQs in South Africa. Fisheries Governance for Food Security: How Best to Ensure Food Security, Socio Economic Development and Thriving Marine Environment in African, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries through Fisheries Governance. EU-ACP Parliamentary Sitting, Horsens Denmark.2012
Isaacs, M.Recent Progress in Understanding Small-Scale Fisheries in Southern Africa, in: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4(3): 338-3432012
Isaacs, M.Understanding and Forecasting Human-Ocean-Human Interactions with Respect to Global Change (with R. Chuenpagdee et al). IMBER Human Dimensions Working Group, Planet Under Pressure Conference, London, 26-29 March 20122012
Isaacs, M.Understanding the Non-Corporate Value Chain of Snoek Fishery in the Western Cape. XVIth World Economic History Conference, Stellenbosch, 8 - 13 July 20122012
Kaltenborn, M.Constitutional Amendment Rules in Federal and Unitary States, in: Arthur Benz / Felix Knüpling (eds.), Changing Federal Constitutions, Verlag Barbara Budrich, Leverkusen, 271-280.2012
Kleinbooi, K.Agricultural Labour: Regulating an Evolving Sector, policy considerations for parliamentary Oversight, Portfolio Committee on Labour Strategic Planning, Cape Manor Hotel, Seapoint, 24 February 20122012
Kleinbooi, K.Current Realities of Land Reform in South Africa?, presentation for the Solidaridad conference Making Markets Work for Smallholders, Pretoria, 29 - 30 May 20122012
Kleinbooi, K.Finish the Job or Re-Open Restitution?: Challenges and Demands, presentation to Khanyisa Community Dialogue, Port Elizabeth, 22 August 20122012
Kleinbooi, K.Green Paper on Land Reform: Challenges and Opportunities, presentation at Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung/North-West University Colloquium, 27 July 20122012
Kleinbooi, K.Land Reform in South Africa: Considerations for Provincial Spatial Development and Rural Development, Provincial Spatial Development Framework Review, PSDF Focus Group on Rural Development, Elsenburg College, Stellenbosch, 12 September 20122012
Kleinbooi, K.Land Reform, Poverty and Farm Workers: Policy Outcomes and Questions, presentation at Strategies To Overcome Poverty and Inequality: Towards Carnegie III Conference, University of Cape Town, 3 - 7 September 20122012
Kleinbooi, K.Lecture 1: 'Land Reform in South Africa: Redistribution, Restitution and Tenure Reform', Executive MBA, Module 5: Corporate Citizenship and Normative Management, UCT Graduate School of Business, 16 May 20122012
Kleinbooi, K.Lecture 2: 'Land Reform in South Africa: Outcomes and Implications', Executive MBA, Module 5: Corporate Citizenship and Normative Management, UCT Graduate School of Business, 16 May 20122012
Kleinbooi, K.Lecture 3: 'The Faces of Agriculture in South Africa', Executive MBA, Module 5: Corporate Citizenship and Normative Management, UCT Graduate School of Business, 23 May 20122012
Kleinbooi, K.Lecture 4: 'Shifts in Agriculture in South Africa and Wider Regional Implications', Executive MBA, Module 5: Corporate Citizenship and Normative Management, UCT Graduate School of Business, 23 May 20122012
Kleinbooi, K.Policy framework of South African Land Reform: Legislation, Implementation and Impacts, presentation for the Study in South Africa Post-Graduate Study Group as part of the International Agriculture Programs of the Florida A&M University, PLAAS, 31 May 20122012
Kleinbooi, K.Reshaping Women's Land Rights on Communal Rangeland, in: African Journal of Range and Forage Science, special issue on Communal Rangeland: Aligning Policy with the Socio-Ecological Dynamics of Rangeland Commons (forthcoming)2012
Kleinbooi, K.Towards Tenure Security for Farm Dwellers, Provincial Department of Human Settlement, Farmworker Housing Dialogue, Oude Libertas, Stellenbosch , 16 October 20122012

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