Publications of SA-GER Members

Publications of SA-GER CDR Members

Publications show up with the name of the SA-GER CDR staff member, even if these are joint publications. Co-authors show up at the end of each title.

Name Publication Year
Busse, M.Promoting Rwanda’s Business Environment: Impact of Reforms and Drivers of Change, Development Policy Review, Vol. 40 (2022), No. 2, e12578 (with Talea Bernatzki and Ruth Hoekstra)2022
Kaltenborn, M.Governance Principles for a Global Fund for Social Protection (jointly with Laura Kreft), Geneva: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung analysis, Geneva.2022
Kaltenborn, M.Which are the principles for the governance of a Global Financing Mechanism for Social Protection?, Blog 1.4. socialprotection.org2022
Karriem, A. We can speak but will there be any change? Voices from Blikkiesdorp (with S. Mohammed). In C. Walker, S. Zlotowitz, and A. Zoli (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Innovative Community and Clinical Psychologies. London: Palgrave McMillan.2022
Niklas, B.Chocolate made in Ghana: Socially responsible production and consumption through adding value locally (with Tobias Bidlingmaier). (forthcoming in: Dealing with Socially Responsible Consumers – Studies in Marketing, Palgrave Macmillan (Springer Nature))2022
Niklas, B.How resilient are wine tourism destinations to health-related security threats? A winery perspective (with Robin Back, Alexandre Guedes, João Rebelo, and Felipe Laurie). Forthcoming in Journal of Destination Marketing and Management.2022
Niklas, B.Implications of an exogenous shock (COVID-19) on wine tourism business: A Portuguese winery perspective (with Robin Back, Alexandre Guedes, and João Rebelo). Forthcoming in: Tourism an Hospitality Research.2022
Sadik-Zada, E. R.Productivity Analysis and Employment Effects of Marigold Cultivation in Jammu, India. Horticulturae 8(3), 263.2022
Sadik-Zada, E. R.What drives Bio-Economy Development? A Focus on Civic Engagement, Affluence, and Environmental Policy Stringency. Fortcoming in Nachhaltige Bioökonomie? Diskurse, Kommunikation und Partizipation. Reinermann, Julia Lena; Kamlage, Jan-Hendrik; de Vries, Nicole; Schrey, Silvia; Oertel, Britta; Goerke, Ute (eds). Neue Ökologie. Bielefeld: transcript. 2022
Siebert, A.Food Sovereignty and Urban Agriculture: Concepts, Politics, and Practice in South Africa. Routledge: London. Critical Food Studies Series.2022
Conradie, I. Women and social policies in South Africa and Sierra Leone (with Abioseh Bockarie). In: Routledge Handbook of Public Policy in Africa. London: Routledge. gedion-onyango2021
Conradie, I.Understanding and investigating relationality in the Capability Approach (with Owens, J, Entwistle, V, Craven, L). Journal of social Behaviour.
Kaltenborn, M.UN Convention is geared to promoting active citizenship (jointly with Heike Kuhn und Anna Pichl), in: Development + Cooperation, October 2021, 30-31.2021
Kaltenborn, M.Crisis and Disaster Prevention through a Global Fund for Social Protection (jointly with Nicola Wiebe), in: Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft / Ruhr-Universität Bochum – Institut für Friedenssicherungsrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht (eds.), WorldRiskReport 2021, 17-21.2021
Kaltenborn, M.Financing universal social protection during COVID-19 and beyond: Investing more and better (jointly with Mira Bierbaum, Valerie Schmitt and Nicola Wiebe), in: Policy in Focus, 19/2 (2021), 36-38.2021
Kaltenborn, M.Human Rights Approaches, in: Esther Schüring / Markus Loewe (eds.), Handbook of Social Protection Systems, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2021, 163-172.2021
Kaltenborn, M.Global Fund for Social Protection – Social security for all (jointly with Laura Kreft), in: Development and Cooperation (D+C) April 2021, 15-16.2021
Kaltenborn, M.Social Protection, in: Koen De Feyter/Gamze Türkelli/Stéphanie De Moerloose (eds.), Law and Development Encyclopedia, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.2021
Karriem, A.Harnessing Public Food Procurement for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in South Africa through the National School Nutrition Programme: A Qualitative Assessment of Contributions and Challenges (with C. Mensah). Sustainability, 13(24): 3390/su1324138382021
Karriem, A.Poverty, protests and pandemics: what can we learn from community resilience? (with R Ahmed, YM Sayed, J Nell, NZ Somhlaba) South African Journal of Psychology, 51(4), 478-480.2021

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