Publications of SA-GER Members

Publications of SA-GER CDR Members

Publications show up with the name of the SA-GER CDR staff member, even if these are joint publications. Co-authors show up at the end of each title.

Name Publication Year
Ile, I.U.Public Sector office management and administration In E Draai, Van Rooyen E & Raga K. (eds). A practical introduction to Public Management. Cape Town : Oxford University Press. Pp 60-892016
KaltenbornEffective Corruption Control: Supplier Remedies in Public Procurement in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania – A Comparative Analysis of Mechanisms and their Implementation (jointly with Annika Engelbert and Nina-Annette Reit-Born), UA Ruhr Studies on Development and Global Governance Bd. 68, Logos, Berlin. 2016
Karriem, A.From the RDP to the NDP: A Critical Appraisal of the Developmental State, Land Reform and Rural Development in South Africa (with M. Hoskins). Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, 43(3): 325-343.2016
Karriem, A.Grassroots Politics and Social Movement Mobilizations for Development in Brazil. In Poverty and Inequality in Middle Income Countries: Policy Achievements, Political Obstacles, E. Braathen, J. May and G. Wright (eds). London: Zed Books.2016
Karriem, A.How Civil Society Organizations Foster Insurgent Citizenship: Lessons from the Brazilian Landless Movement (with L. Benjamin). VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 27(1): 19-36.2016
Löwenstein, W.Determining Minimum Compensation for Lost Farmland: A Theory-Based Impact Evaluation of a Land Grab in Sierra Leone. (=IEE Working Paper 211). Bochum 2016: 52 p. (with Marc Hansen, Mohamed Conteh, Martina Shakya).2016
May, J.Urbane Landwirtschaft und das Recht auf Stadt: Theoretische Reflektion und ein Praxisbeispiel aus George, Südafrika (with A. Siebert). in: Engler, S.; Stengel, O.; Bommert, W. (Hrsg.): Regional, innovativ und gesund: Nachhaltige Ernährung als Teil der Großen Transformation. S. 153-168. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Göttingen2016
May, J.Introduction: poverty and politics in middle income countries (with E. Braathen, M. Ulriksen and G. Wright), in Poverty and Inequality in Middle Income Countries, Zed Press, London.2016
May, J.Editorial: The ICT Ecosystem: The application, usefulness and future of an evolving Concept (with K. Diga), Information Technology for Development, Information Technology for Development, 22:sup1, 1-6, DOI: 10.1080/02681102.2016.1168218.2016
May, J.An in-depth study of the ICT ecosystem in a South African rural community: unveiling expenditure and communication Patterns (with C. Rey-Morenoa, R. Blignaut and WD. Tucker), Information Technology for Development, 22:sup1, 101-120, 2016
May, J.How Vitamin A, iodine and iron play a part in beating malnutrition, 23 August, 2016, The Conversation, available at
May, J.Why child malnutrition is still a problem in South Africa 22 years into democracy, 02 June, 2016, The Conversation, available at
May, J.Urbane Landwirtschaft und das Recht auf Stadt. Theoretische Reflektion und ein Praxisbeispiel aus George, Südafrika. In: Engler, S. et al. (eds.) Regional, innovativ und gesund. Nachhaltige Ernährung als Teil der großen Transformation. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, pp. 153-168.2016
Okbandrias, M. Cooperatives in Vogue: A Case Study of Cooperatives in South Africa (with Okem, A. E.). In Theoretical and Empirical Studies on Cooperatives (pp. 71-80). Springer International Publishing.2016
Sadik-Zada, E. R.Oil Abundance and Economic Growth, Monograph, Logos Verlag, Berlin2016
Siebert, A.Die Mehrdeutigkeit der globalen Ernährungskrise. Weg zu einer neuen Nachhaltigkeit am Beispiel der Stadt George, Südafrika. In: Potysch, N.; Bauer; M. (eds.), Deutungsspielräume. Mehrdeutigkeit als kulturelles Phänomen. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main.2016
Siebert, A.Urbane Landwirtschaft und das Recht auf Stadt. Theoretische Reflektion und ein Praxisbeispiel aus George, Südafrika (with May, J.). In: Engler, S. et al. (eds.) Regional, innovativ und gesund. Nachhaltige Ernährung als Teil der großen Transformation). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, pp. 153-168.2016
Tapscott, C.“Participate or be Punished - Administrative Responses to Protest” in Klassen, T., Cepiku, D. and Lah, T (eds.), Handbook of Global Public Policy and Administration. (Routledge).2016
Busse, M.Trade and Economic Growth: A Re-examination of the Empirical Evidence, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 35 (2015), No. 4, pp. 2862-2876 (with Jens Königer)2015
Dinbabo, M.F.International migration in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): A call for a global research Agenda (with S. Carciotto). African Human Mobility Review (AHMR). 1(2): 154-177. 2015

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